Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Easy Vac Gascate

The following image shows the Easy Vacuum Gascate. It is also called as Vacuum former sheet. 

3A medes Easy Vac Gasket

The Vacuum former sheet is used for making retainer of the tooth after removing the braces by orthodontics. The retainer hold the tooth not to move anywhere. 

Procedure of Making retainer: 
- First, we have to make cast by taking impression of the Tooth. 
- after then switch on the vacuum former.
- Place the Cast just below the heater of the vacuum former. 
- just place a piece of 3A Easy Vac Gasket sheet ( Preferred: Soft Easy vac Gasket) and set the timer for 15 secs. 
- Now pull down the handle of the vacuum former and wait for the time we set ( 15 sec) 
- after then vacuum will automatically creates by the vacuum former after the 15 set and now the retainer will be ready. 
- now Pull out the retainer and cut it in Tooth height. That is all. 

3A Medes Easy Vacuum Gasket

Aggregate Price / Packet  = NPR 1900/-   ( Including VAT)  for One Packet. 

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